
There are several people who get engaged in treating various peptic ulcers through ayurvedic treatments. There are certain ulcers like the stomach ulcers which are called ‘gastric ulcers’. They are simply the open sores that are present in the lining of the stomach. These are just the kind of peptic ulcers and the amount of acid present in the stomach and the damage which occurs, are absolutely painful. The most common reason for the appearance of stomach ulcers is the ‘bacterium Helicobacter pylori’.

Ulcers might also occur due to the consumption of painkillers like aspirin. Some other painkillers include ibuprofen, naproxen, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs). Stomach ulcers have been treated with antibiotics as well as medications in order to minimize and block stomach acid. In the addition to this, well-proven treatment plan you can find that research has been shown that there are even some other natural home remedies that may be useful in managing a stomach ulcer that helps in healing the stomach ulcers. You can also consult your doctors regarding adding this food to your diet.


Research suggests that flavonoids, which are even known as ‘bio-flavonoids’, may be absolutely an effective additional treatment specifically meant for stomach ulcers. Flavonoids are none other than the compounds which are present in several fruits and vegetables.

Food and drinks are quite rich in flavonoids consisting:

  • soybeans
  • red grapes
  • broccoli
  • apples
  • berries

These foods might even assist the body to fight against the H. pylori bacteria. Flavonoids seem to be a ‘gastroprotective’ that simply defend the stomach lining and even heals the ulcers. As per the Linus Pauling Institute, even you can find no side effects of flavonoids. You can consume higher amounts of flavonoids which might interfere with blood clotting. There is no particular prescription to take, you can have them in your diet or consume them as supplements.

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice

Don’t let that long first word give you a stomach ache. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice is just plain old licorice with the sweet flavor extracted. One study showed that deglycyrrhizinated licorice might help ulcers heal by inhibiting the growth of H. pylori.

Deglycyrrhizinated licorice is available as a supplement. You can’t get this effect from eating licorice candy, though. Too much licorice candy can be bad for some people. Consuming more than 2 ounces daily for more than two weeks can make existing heart problems or high blood pressure worse.


Probiotics are said to be living bacteria as well as yeast which offer healthy and important microorganisms into your digestive tract. They are even available in many several foods, specifically fermented foods, which include:

  • Buttermilk
  • Yogurt
  • Kimchi
  • Kefir

Probiotics can be even consumed in the form of supplements, and studies have proven that probiotics that may be helpful for removing H.pylori. This further increases the recovery rate of the people suffering from the ulcers when these are appended to the traditional regimen of antibiotics.


Honey is usually far from the simply sweet, which usually depends upon the plant that has been derived from, where honey can consist of more than 200 elements, that may include polyphenols as well as other antioxidants. You can find that honey seems to be the most powerful antibacterial that has been displayed to inhibit H. pylori growth. If you have any normal blood sugar levels, you can simply enjoy the honey as you like any sweetener, along with the benefit of soothing your ulcers.


Garlic extract has been displayed to inhibit H. pylori growth in the lab, as well as in animals, and the human trials. Suppose you hate the taste of garlic, you can simply consume garlic extract in the form of supplements. This garlic simply looks like a blood thinner, and you can consult your nearest doctors before taking it and other prescription blood thinners or aspirin.


Cranberry is assisting in decreasing urinary tract infections by avoiding bacteria from getting settled on the bladder walls. Cranberry, as well as cranberry extract, might also assist to fight H. pylori. You can consume cranberry in various ways which include drinking cranberry juice, as well as eat cranberries, or intake many cranberry supplements.

No specific consumption is connected with relief, and so much cranberry is required in any form that might cause severe stomach and intestinal discomfort because of its high sugar content. So, start with small amounts then increase gradually. Several commercial cranberry juices are sweetened a lot with sugar or high fructose corn syrup. This can even add empty calories, and further, avoid those juices when you buy juice sweetened only by the other juices.


The Effectiveness Studies of the mastic over H. pylori infection that is mixed; however, a small study shows that chewing the mastic gum might assist you to fight against H. pylori, as well as stay away from the bacteria in about 3 of the 10 people who have used it. Somehow if you compare the traditional combination of antibiotics with acid-blocking medications, you can find that these medications are significantly more effective than the gum.

Fruits, Vegetables, as well as Whole Grains

A diet that is centered on fruits, as well as vegetables, and whole grains are good for your overall health. As per the Mayo Clinic and a vitamin-rich diet, you can find that your body is able to heal your ulcer. While foods that contain the antioxidant polyphenols might simply protect you from ulcers as well as cure ulcers.

Polyphenol-rich foods and seasonings include:

  • Dried rosemary
  • Flaxseed
  • Mexican oregano
  • Dark chocolate
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries
  • Black olives

Avoid Foods Containing Ulcers and Acid Reflux

There are some people who are suffering not just from ulcers, but also from acid reflux disease. You can also find some foods, which can affect the lower part of the esophagus, known as the ‘Lower Esophageal Sphincter, which allows the acid as well as stomach contents to back up inside the ‘esophagus’. This can even cause serious injury to the esophagus, including the disorders like heartburn, as well as indigestion, and other health disorders.

To reduce acid reflux pain, you may want to limit:

  • Coffee
  • Carbonated beverages
  • Chocolate
  • Processed foods
  • A high-salt diet
  • Deep-fried foods
  • Acidic foods like citrus and tomatoes

While overeating as well as eating just two to three hours before going to bed might worsen the symptoms of acid reflux. Since all food is not very same, you can simply keep track of the food that seems to make the acid reflux symptoms worse which can be most helpful.


Having more than one drink a day for women and more than two for men is considered excessive drinking. If a couple of drinks after work is how you unwind, you might want to consider a healthier alternative. Regular alcohol use causes significant stomach inflammation. Also, alcohol is another substance that can relax the lower part of the esophagus, increasing your risk of acid reflux.


It can take some time, to do teamwork, as well as do some determination in order to find the right treatment for your ulcers. But always keep in mind that ulcers can be cured, and in an addition to a treatment plan agreed upon by you as well as your doctor, you can hire natural approaches with the healthier foods which might give you good relief as well as accelerate the healing. While adding several fresh fruits along with vegetables to your diet can simply minimize the consumption of alcohol intake that usually gets you on the road to health.

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