A Beginner’s Guide to Vajikarana Treatment: Unlocking Your Sexual Power and Physical Strength
We all know that Ayurveda is a very old-age science of life dealing with maintaining the equilibrium in health and preventive and curative aspects of health. It is also called ‘Ashtanga Ayurveda’ since it has eight branches dealing with eight different fraternities. They are Kaya Chikitsa (dealing with treatments of human body), Urdhwanga Chikitsa (diseases of eyes, ears, nose, and throat), Shalya Chikitsa (dealing with surgical science), Visha Chikitsa (the branch that deals with toxicology), Graha Chikitsa (dealing with the psychiatric disorders), Bala chikitsa (branch dealing with diseases of infants and children), Rasayana Chikitsa (rejuvenation science), and Vajikarana Tantra (branch dealing with science of aphrodisiac, virility). Vajikarana Treatment can also be called Vrishya Chikitsa.
Vajikarana has two words in it, “Vaji” means a horse which symbolizes sexual potency and performance, and “Karana” means power. Thus, when one takes the Vajikarana Treatment, the sexual power is enhanced along with a good physique, and physical and mental strength. The science of Vajikarana deals with improvising the reproductive organs and functioning both in men and women. The quality, quantity, and motility of semen and sperm, the efficacy of ovaries, increase the sexual potency and enhance the woman for healthy conception and progeny.
Advantages of Vajikarana Treatment
- Vajikarana therapy increases the quality and quantity of sperm.
- It increases the duration of erection.
- It enhances the sexual potency and the performance.
- Female partners get well satisfied in the sexual act.
- It endows a person with Bala (strength), Pushti (nourishment), Shri (wealth)and Yash (success).
- The intellect, memory, and inner strength of an individual increase by Vajikarana Treatment.
- The therapy helps treat conditions of the reproductive system like erectile dysfunctions, premature ejaculation, oligospermia, azoospermia, infertility, etc.
- Vajikarana treatment benefits the couple with healthy progeny.
- Anatomically and physiologically the reproductive system is improved by Vajikarana Treatment.
- The sexual life of an individual is healthy with the help of Vajikarana Treatment or Vrishya treatment.
- Overall physical and mental health benefits from Vajikarana Treatment.
Factors Influencing Vajikarana Treatment
- Female as a Vajikarana Dravya
Female is the best Vaj9karana medicine. A female who is attractive with her physique, thoughts, and words, bears a charming face and smile, who is energetic, enthusiastic, loving, caring, whose sight and touch are pleasant, interested in the sexual act, encourages the man to indulge in the sexual activity, keeps open conservations with her male partner regarding the sex, who can satisfy her male partner are the qualities of a female and in particular a female partner to be called as Vajikarana Dravya.
- Prakriti and its relationship with the sex
Vataja prakriti – People of this constitution are weak and have less sexual power and hence fewer offspring.
Pittaja prakriti – People of Pittaja Prakriti have less Shukra and hence the sexual strength is less thereby the offspring are also less.
Kaphaja prakriti – Kaphaja Prakriti has a good amount of Shukra, more sexual strength, enjoys the sexual act, and hence will have a good number of offspring.
- Vajkarana treatment indications and contra-indications2
People of age group between 20 years and 70 years, who suffer from impotency, oligospermia, who frequently indulge in sex, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, infertility, oligospermia, azoospermia, etc. are some of the indications.
People who are below 16 years of age, aged above 70 years, who do not have control over their sensory organs, who are diseased, psychological disorders, etc. are contraindicated conditions.
Need for purification of the body before Vajikarana Treatment
A person undergoing Vajikarana treatment needs to purify his body so that the therapy has good effects. One who has worries, and stress, whose food gets undigested, whose morbid dosha is at higher intensity, does not pass urine, flatus, or stools regularly, cannot be given Vajikarana drugs without making the person undergo purification procedures.
Panchakarma treatments help eliminate morbid dosha and cleanse all the macro and microchannels. Procedures like Snehana (oleation therapy) – both internal and external oleation make all the channels detach from the accumulated toxins and allow them to get collected in the gastrointestinal tract so that elimination becomes easier.
Swedana (sudation) therapy helps release the rigidity of the complete body and thus person feels lighter after taking Swedana Karma. Vamana (emesis therapy), Virechana (purgation therapy), and Basti (enema therapy) help in removing the morbid kapha, pitta, and vata respectively. With these procedures, the quality, and quantity of semen and sperm get improved. The fertility potential gets enhanced due to the cleansing of all the channels. The functioning of all the systems including the reproductive system is regularized.
Following the purificatory procedures, one must consume food items like milk, ghee, meat soup, boiled rice mixed with oil, ghee, sugar, jaggery, honey, etc. These are said to be the Vajikarana Aahara (aphrodisiac food items). One should remain in a state of calmness, happiness, and meditative state, focused on his body and mind, free from worldly stress, work pressure, and any other disturbing factors. This helps to achieve the benefits of Vajikarana treatment.
Vajikarana Medicines mentioned in classical texts
- Vrishya Mamsa yoga
- Vrishya Kukkuta mamsa
- Vrishya Pipplai yoga
- Vrishya Shatavari ghritha
- Vrishya Madhuka yoga
- Vrishya Mamsa gulika
- Vrishya Mamsa rasa
- Pancha Vrishya ksheera
- Vajikarana ghritha
- Shashtikadi gutika
- Apatyakara ksheera
- Apatyakara swarasa
- Apatyakara ghritha
- Brihani gutika
- Vrishya Basti – an enema preparation that aims to function as Vrishya
Vajikarana treatment is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda. The word Vaji means the horse that denotes the sexual potency and performance like that of horsepower. The Vajikarana branch is focused on anatomy, physiology, pathology, treatment modalities, diet, and lifestyle. It aims to increase the sperm and ova both qualitatively and quantitatively, enhance the sexual power of an individual, and activate the reproductive system functioning. Erectile dysfunctions, premature ejaculations, infertility, oligospermia, azoospermia, etc. are the conditions that can be treated by Vajikarana science. A female is considered as one of the Vajikarana Dravya and thus the qualities of a female when indulging in sexual acts are explained. Vajikarana medicines can work well only if the person has taken purificatory treatments.
- A REVIEW ARTICLE ON VAJIKARANA, World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, Volume 6, Issue 3, p.72-74.
- VAJIKARANA: A UNIQUE THERAPY OF AYURVEDA, International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 2013, Volume 4, Issue 3, p. 4-7.
- Dalal PK, Tripathi A, Gupta SK. Vajikarana: Treatment of sexual dysfunctions based on Indian concepts. Indian J Psychiatry. 2013 Jan;55(Suppl 2):S273-6. doi: 10.4103/0019-5545.105550. PMID: 23858267; PMCID: PMC3705695.
- Dalal PK, Tripathi A, Gupta SK. Vajikarana: Treatment of sexual dysfunctions based on Indian concepts. Indian J Psychiatry. 2013 Jan;55(Suppl 2):S273-6. doi: 10.4103/0019-5545.105550. PMID: 23858267; PMCID: PMC3705695.