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The Ultimate Guide to Ayurvedic Psoriasis Treatment
Psoriasis can be a painful and debilitating condition for many people. There are several treatment options available but most of them can have side effects or they do not work effectively on some patients. Ayurveda offers various natural remedies that reduce the symptoms of psoriasis without any side effects or unwanted reactions which makes it one of the best treatments for psoriasis as it targets to cure psoriasis from its root rather than treating psoriasis symptomatically!
We all experience one or the other skin disease in our lifetime. Some may remain for a shorter time and some may take a longer time to get healed. Few skin diseases still pose a challenge to the medical world even today. Skin diseases can sometimes drastically impact one life. This is not only physical but also psychologically devastating.
Let’s take a simple example of acne commonly known as a pimple. Everyone might have experienced the appearance of acne in their teenager. That’s usual. Can you just think about how you felt at that time, how much time you spent in front of the mirror, and how many remedies you have tried? how did you feel about it? Especially if it was appearing during your college days. It was the biggest problem in your life, right?
Yes, Skin diseases are like that. Because it shows on your body. It’s not like that of Diabetes or Hypertension where those are not visible outside. Skin diseases can hamper the quality of life. Physical changes lead to psychological changes. one may get depressed, feel low self-confidence, reduce your social life, can impact work, and much more….
As I said earlier there are a few skin diseases that are still challenging when it comes to treating them. They still have no permanent solutions yet and are known as only manageable. One of those diseases Psoriasis stands tall among them. It has affected around 1-3% of the population around the world as the statistics say.
Psoriasis? Are you hearing this term for the first time? If yes it’s true that most people either never heard of this term before, Unless they have seen this condition with those who know them or still know that they are suffering from it.
What is Psoriasis?
The term Psoriasis is derived from the Greek word. It consists of two words One is ‘Psora’ means itch and ‘isis’ means condition. In general, it can be translated simply as an itching condition.
In medical terms, Psoriasis is described as a systemic, immune-mediated disorder, characterized by inflammatory skin and joint manifestation. It is considered one of the Autoimmune disorders or classified as an immune-mediated inflammatory disease of the skin.
Autoimmune diseases are explained as any disorder in which loss of function or destruction of normal tissue arises from humoral or cellular immune responses to the body’s own tissue constituents; may be systemic, like systemic lupus erythematosus, or organ-specific, such as thyroiditis.
Now let’s look into what psoriasis looks like

The common signs and symptoms of psoriasis are
- Silvery scales
- Red elevated patches
- Itching
- Pitting nails
Why does psoriasis start?
The exact reason why psoriasis starts has not been completely understood yet. Psoriasis was recognized as a distinct disease as early as 1808 by Willan. Though there are many types of research done to understand the mechanism of psoriasis the findings indicate the involvement of many factors. Considering this rather than viewing psoriasis as caused by a single cause It is best to consider it as a result of a complex interaction between many factors like genetics, genomics, immune system, and environmental triggering factors.
Probable factors responsible for psoriasis are
- Genetic
- Trauma
- Infection
- Drugs
- Sunlight
- Metabolic factors
- Pregnancy and hormone
- Alcohol and Smoking
- Stress
- Obesity
Types of Psoriasis :
Psoriasis can be classified according to the type of the disease, based on the site of involvement, and on disease manifestation.
Psoriasis classification on Type of disease
- Plaque
- Guttate
- Linear
- Follicular
- Pustular
- Erythrodermic
- Unstable
Based on the site of Involvement
- Scalp
- Inverse
- Palmoplantar
- Mucosal
- Ocular
- Nail
Based on disease manifestation
- Latent
- Mild
- Moderate
- Moderate to severe
- Severe
Types of Psoriasis
- Plaque psoriasis

Plaque psoriasis or Psoriasis Vulgaris is the most common type of psoriasis seen in practice. This can be seen at any age from children to adults. About 80% of the psoriasis cases are plaque psoriasis. It is characterized by elevated red patches with silvery-white scales. The red color is referred to as salmon pink a peculiar characteristic in plaque psoriasis. The thickness of the scales varies from the place where it appears and scaling also varies from patient to patient.
The common site involved in plaque psoriasis is the scalp, elbows, knees, umbilical region, and buttocks. The size of the patch is variable from less than 1 cm to several centimeters. The shapes are also variable like round, oval, or irregular.
- Guttate psoriasis

Guttate psoriasis looks like small red eruptions measuring 1 to 10 mm in size. It is usually seen in the trunk. It is said that around 2% of psoriasis patients are suffering from guttate psoriasis.
- Linear Psoriasis
Linear Psoriasis is a rare variant of psoriasis with erythematous scaly plaques or papules following the line of Blaschko
- Follicular psoriasis
Follicular psoriasis is also a rare form of psoriasis more seen in children
- Pustular psoriasis
Pustular psoriasis is characterized by pustules. This can appear locally or in any part of the body. This can include redness, pustules, and scaling. This can even show along with plaque psoriasis.
- Erythrodermic Psoriasis

It is an inflammatory form of psoriasis that often affects most parts of the body. t generally appears in people who have unstable plaque psoriasis where lesions are not clearly defined. It is characterized by periodic, widespread fiery redness of the skin.
- Unstable Psoriasis
one who has stable chronic plaque psoriasis may suddenly progress to unstable psoriasis.
- Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp Psoriasis can be seen in around 50% of the patients who have psoriasis. It is the most common place where psoriasis starts. The common symptoms include itching and hair loss are seen in many. Scalp psoriasis can occur as a single site of affection or as a part of plaque psoriasis or postural or erythrodermic psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis is confused with seborrhea dermatitis of the scalp. In scalp psoriasis, the scales are silvery-white and plaque extends beyond the hair margin. In seborrheic dermatitis scales are greasy and the patch is limited to the hair-bearing area.
- Inverse psoriasis

Inverse psoriasis is usually seen in skin folds like the axilla, inguinal folds, under the breast, and gluteal region. It is characterized by smooth, inflamed lesions without much scaling due to the moistness of the areas where it is located. It can occur individually or along with other psoriasis types.
- Palmoplantar psoriasis

Palmoplantar psoriasis occurs in the palms and soles of the feet. Usually seen in scaly red patches similar to psoriasis in other parts. Thickening and scaling with painful fissures on the palms and soles. Palmoplantar psoriasis is one of the recurrent conditions limiting the day-to-day activities of a person. It can mimic hand eczema and it’s difficult to distinguish as sometimes both coexist. Palmoplantar psoriasis is seen more in females.
- Mucosal psoriasis
Annular plaques can be seen on the tongue in psoriasis patients. Geographic tongue and fissured tongue are seen commonly in patients who are suffering from pustular psoriasis.
- Ocular psoriasis
Ocular psoriasis can be seen in around 10% of the patients who are suffering from psoriasis. It is more common in men than women. It is a very rare condition where the involvement of the eye prior to skin involvement is seen. There are many eye conditions like xerosis, blepharitis, and uveitis are seen. Eye problems may directly be related to flare-ups around the eyes or diseases affecting the eye. If ocular psoriasis is left untreated in time it may lead to vision loss.
- Nail psoriasis

Nail changes are seen in up to 40 % of the patients who are suffering from psoriasis. Nail pitting is a common condition seen in many patients. Nail abnormalities are more frequent in Psoriatic arthritis patients. Common symptoms seen are Pitting, Oil drop Signs, leukonychia, onycholysis, etc…
- Genital Psoriasis
Genital psoriasis is seen in 30- 40% of the patients with psoriasis. It affects both males and females. It also is seen in children and adults. The most common type of psoriasis seen in genital psoriasis is inverse psoriasis. Common symptoms of genital psoriasis are smooth, dry, red lesions with mild scales or without scales, one may have an itching or burning sensation in the affected area. Genital psoriasis may be found along with plaque psoriasis in most patients.
Based on the manifestation of the disease
- Latent Psoriasis
A few lesions on the body with minimal signs of psoriasis-like severe dandruff, and nail pitting.
- Mild Psoriasis
In mild psoriasis, the lesions are involved less than 10% of the body. The PASI(Psoriasis Area Severity Index) score will be under 10.
- Moderate Psoriasis
In moderate psoriasis, the skin involvement will be more than 10% of the body surface area (BSA)
- Moderate-Severe Psoriasis
In Moderate- Severe Psoriasis skin involvement is more than 10% of BSA. Lesions can be found on the face, hands, or feet having an impact on routine work or socialization.
- Severe Psoriasis
In severe psoriasis skin involvement is more the 20% of BSA, and the lesions are found on difficult areas like the face, hand, and feet. It can hamper the quality of life and is unstable in nature. Psoriatic Arthritis can also be seen in this condition.
Complications due to Psoriasis
Various scientific studies have shown that psoriasis is associated with other diseases. some of the complications due to psoriasis are
- Itching
Itching is a common complication of psoriasis. It is more seen with the unstable variety of psoriasis. Itching may vary from patient to patient. The severity of itching may be the result of anxiety or depression.
- Eczematisation
Eczematization of the palms and soles is seen as very common in psoriatic patients. Application of irritant external application can lead to Eczematization of the plaques.
- Infection
Infection of psoriatic lesions in patients is also one of the complications of psoriasis.
- Arthritis
Psoriatic Arthritis is one of the common complications in psoriasis patients.
- Alcoholism
- Nephritis and Renal failure
- Hepatic Failure
Diagnosis of Psoriasis can be done easily by looking out for the classical symptoms of psoriasis. In some psoriasis investigations, a biopsy is essential when it occurs for the first time. Investigations also help to diagnose and differentiate from other diseases when the classical features of psoriasis are not evident. The biopsy is one of the important investigations in psoriasis. Investigations into psoriasis will help
- to differentiate from other diseases which closely resemble psoriasis.
- to assess the disease’s activity
- to rule out infection as a cause of psoriasis
- to assess Psoriatic Arthritis
- to assess Nail psoriasis
Other lab investigations
- Complete Blood Count (CBC
- Total Count (TC)
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
- Hemoglobin (Hb)
- Total Red blood cells (RBC’s)
- Platelet count
- Blood sugar
- Fasting Lipid profile
- Liver Function Test (LFT)
- Uric acid levels
- Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA) factor
- Antinuclear Antibody (ANA)
- Renal function tests (RFT’s)
- Urine Analysis
Psoriasis Treatment
Psoriasis treatment is one of the biggest challenges for the medical world. Psoriasis can affect all ages including newborns. The treatment varies depending on factors such as age, chronicity of the diseases, pros and cons of the medications, etc…
Common treatments used in treating psoriasis are
- Symptomatic treatments for conditions like itching and pain
- Topical Therapy
- Phototherapy
- Systemic therapy
- Biologics and other agents
Management of psoriasis is a challenge. Every patient should know about the diseases and the medications they take along with the side effects of the drugs. There are newer drugs that get introduced every now and then for the treatment of psoriasis, and they should be chosen selectively.
The psychological impact of Psoriasis
Psoriasis has a huge impact on personal life not only as a disease but also psychologically impairs the quality of life. Studies show that the physical and emotional effects of psoriasis have a significant negative impact on a work person’s workplace and productivity. Psoriasis patients commonly experience low self-esteem, feelings of stigma, shame, embarrassment, stress, depression, etc…
Ayurvedic Psoriasis Treatment
The Ayurvedic Psoriasis Treatment begins with dietary and lifestyle changes along with intake of ayurvedic medicines.
Ayurvedic Psoriasis Treatment is considered the best treatment for psoriasis as it targets to cure psoriasis from the root rather than treating psoriasis symptomatically. Psoriasis is considered an autoimmune disease and the change in immune function is due to various factors.
According to Ayurveda, the disease is manifested when there is an imbalance in doshas. The imbalance of doshas majorly contributed to our food habits and lifestyle. The Ayurvedic Psoriasis Treatment begins with dietary and lifestyle changes along with intake of Ayurvedic medicines.
Ayurvedic Psoriasis Treatment can be divided into two stages depending on the severity of the disease.
1. Purificatory treatment (Shodana/panchakarma treatment)
2. Palliative treatment (Shamana treatment)
Purificatory treatments are advised when the doshas are in excess and ready to move out from the body. Depending on the predominance of the doshas suitable purificatory procedures are administered.
Purificatory procedures help to eliminate morbid doshas from the body which helps in better absorption of medicines. One must keep in mind that all psoriasis patients are not fit to undergo purificatory procedures due to various factors.
Majority of the psoriasis patients can be treated well with medicines. Various forms of Ayurvedic medicines are used for internal administration along with external applications.
Along with Ayurvedic Psoriasis Treatment diet and lifestyle need to be changed as they are the primary cause of dosha imbalance in the body. Without correcting the diet and lifestyle treatments may not give good results.
What to Avoid in Psoriasis?
You need to avoid following when you have psoriasis as they aggravate doshas to increase psoriasis.
- Amla (excess use of sour substances)
- Lavana (excess use of Salt)
- Katu ( excess usage Pungent)
- Dadhi (regular use of Curd)
- Dugda (everyday use of Milk)
- Guda (regular use of Jaggery)
- Anoopadesha mamsa (meat of animals that are from marshy lands)
- Thila (frequent use of Sesame)
- Masha (everyday use of Balck gram)
Psoriasis is one of the most common skin diseases and affects at least 2% of the population. It is characterized by red, scaly patches on the skin and itching. The disease can be itchy or painful in some cases but rarely causes scarring.
Psoriasis is a long-term condition that only gets worse if not treated properly. If you are suffering from this disease, don’t suffer any longer! To learn how to cure psoriasis naturally with Ayurvedic treatment please contact us today for a free consultation.
NOTE: “This article does not provide medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on this website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call or visit your doctor.” For more information about Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment, you can call us at +919945850945 Limited consultations per day with prior appointments only.
Hy! My name is Simran. I read your post thoroughly. I am also a blogger and I really really like your post. It’s a great niche. You know what it is very beneficial for all psoriasis patient. Thanks 4 sharing this post. Carry on, Best of luck.Have a nice future.
Thank you for reading the blog.
All the best 🙂
Hy! My name is Simran. I read your post thoroughly. I am also a blogger and I really really like your post. It’s a great niche. You know what it is very beneficial for all psoriasis patient. Thanks 4 sharing this post. Carry on, Best of luck.Have a nice future.
Thank you for reading the blog.
All the best 🙂